
Edited by Michael Shmulevitch, prepared by: Angus Beaty, Mehdi Bouhadi, Anthony Hommik, Mark Janzen, Benjamin Jean, Andrew Morton, Michelle Nicholson, Tyler Nightengale, Sarah Piasetzki, Krystal Perepeluk, Julien Sabourault, Jennifer Sandham, Ken Singh, Amanda Slaunwhite, Chris Vandyk.

Principal Investigator: David L.A. Gordon, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Queen’s University

Book Chapters

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Gordon, D.L.A.  Managing Change on the Urban Edge: Implementing Urban Waterfront Redevelopment in Toronto, in G. Halseth & H. Nicol (eds.) (Re)Development At The Urban Edge,  Waterloo: University of Waterloo, Department of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Studies, 2000. 175-226.

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